Where there are children involved our main goal, from the outset, is to ensure that their best interests are met. Depending upon the reason(s) for your separation it is important that you both remain focused on what is best for the children, notwithstanding any ill-feeling between you. That may be difficult if one person has been unfaithful or behaved in a way which you could no longer tolerate. It will be even more difficult if there has been domestic violence which has had an effect on the children. In those cases we will discuss the options with you. Clearly there may be cases where it is not appropriate for the other person to have contact at all.
It is entirely normal for you to have conflicting views about what is best for the children. That is where we come in. We will provide advice about possible ways to resolve these conflicting views including Alternative Dispute Resolution which would include mediation and/or family therapy. If that is not possible or does not work then court proceedings would be required.
The main issue faced by separated parents is the future care arrangements for the child/children. The issue of Residence and Contact (formerly Custody and Access) in respect of the child/children is perhaps the most fraught and important legal issue that you, solicitors and the courts have to deal with.